March 16, 2013

For the Health of It!

          Food plays a huge role in my life, well in everybody’s life, for me it has control. As I write this I’m eating a snack that is full of sugar and no nutritional value and my husband & I are planning a run for computer equipment & talking about where we could stop to get something to eat. Here’s another example – I need to go to the bank (not my local bank) & I'm planning on stopping at one of my favorite eating place. It seems I can’t do anything without food being a focal point.
          As wife & mother I am the main provider of the food, I plan it, I buy it & I prepare it two to three times a day. So it should be easier to have the right food in the house, I can’t blame someone else for bringing it here. I think I need to not buy something because it isn’t good for my health or my family but I get it anyway because it’s easy or it’s on sale or I’m lazy & don’t want to do the work that is needed to have the healthier stuff here.
You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NCV)

          As I read these verses I ask myself “How am I honoring God with my body?” If I answer honest I would have to say not at all, I’m at least 100 pounds overweight, I have very little energy and no desire to exercise, I choose food out of laziness not wisdom. I love to eat chocolate & ice cream, not bad if you eat them in moderation but I could eat this every day. I don’t drink enough water to keep a camel going, among other things that I know I should be doing just to stay healthy. I have looked at other people who I know are in much worse physical shape than myself & said “at least I’m not that bad, I at least try.”
          The next thing that stands out in this verse is that my body is a temple. I sure don’t treat my body as a temple. When I think of a temple I see a beautiful, clean & peaceful place to rest & reflect. I don’t even want to spend time with my body (not that I can get away from it) why would the Holy Spirit want to. The good thing is the Holy Spirit is always there no matter what I do.
      Let’s look at what the bible says about a temple:
Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destory that person, because God's temple is holy and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
When we don’t take care of our self God sends us warnings in forms of health warnings. If we don’t heed these warnings then we are taking the risk of being called home before we plan.
          I have a friend who is 1. a Christian and 2. a health guru. He is willing to answer questions when I have them and give me advise; I asked him where is the best place to start in getting my eating habits under control & to start getting in a healthy routine, he gave me these five steps to start with:
  1. Don't skip breakfast (I don't but there are days I eat very little)
  2. Drink plenty of water (HINT: if it is hard to keep track of how much water you drink then choose an 8 ounce glass & put 8 rubber bands around it. After you finish drinking a glass of water remove a rubber band & refill you glass. At the end of the day, if you have drank the necessary 64 ounces of water, you should have removed all the rubber bands.)
  3. Don't skip snacks, this is the best time for your fruits & vegitables. You can throw in yogurt, string cheese or cottage cheese. (This is where I get in trouble because I go for the convient snack that isn't healthy. I'm trying to set aside time to prepare snacks ahead of time so that I can just grab something quick & healty)
  4. Avoid sugar in all foods & drinks. (sugar is in everything so you really have to think and plan ahead)
  5. Loose the complex & starchy carbs in the last meal of the day.
          So my hearts desire is to be healthy. My goal is to be walking 10 miles a day by the end of August & to loose at least 75 pounds by December 18, 2013. Readers I have two request 1. will you please pray for me as I work to be healthier and 2. will you also choose to be healthy.

I'm going to start a new page on here where I will post health tips & recipes that I find. I will also let you know how I'm doing on reaching my goals. Just click the tab For the Health of It to see these updates

1 comment:

  1. Jama I'm proud of you. You are so right. Jim and I are trying hard to be healthy too. We have been drinking a protein shake at breakfast time that is good for you. We are also preparing healthy meals and eating out rarely. Our neighbor has been doing this and he has lost over 60 lb at 1-2 lb. a week which is the healthy way. I would love to walk with you whenever you have time. I think its great you are. Being obedient. I will pray for you:-)
