September 30, 2013

What wrong with me?

There are times I wonder just what’s wrong with me. I watch other moms who are going off to work, moving up a corporate ladder while I stay home. I watch videos that tell me about some business and look at the people who look very happy in their careers and catch myself thinking “I would like to have a job, a job where I can make a difference”
I’m content, overjoyed with being a stay at home wife and mother and that goes against the norm. I don’t need to go out and climb a ladder. I have a job that is making a difference; I (along with my husband) am the main influence on my children. Their values come from my (our) belief and moral standing and they did not have to face conflicting views from 20 different direction.
Is our life perfect? NO. Do we have all the greatest and latest? NO. Do we care? Not really. Sure there are things we want to do, like finish our basement or remodel our kitchen but in the grand scheme of things that doesn’t matter as much as the fact I have been able to be at all of my kids games or music recitals. I have been able to home school them and choose their curriculum (not the government). I have been able to love my family the way God has guided me to do so.

So, when I think what’s wrong with me? I just say nothing and go on with what I do best, being a stay at home wife and mother.

September 5, 2013


“Go, send, or disobey.” — John Piper
I believe that missions start in the heart. You first have to love God enough to hear a call to share that love. I also believe that not everyone is called to go, at least in the capacity of overseas or even across the state, some are called to send. Think about Paul and his mission work, some stayed to teach and grow the local church and some went with him to help spread and teach others.

        We need to refocus our thinking of what mission’s means. As a church we don’t completely understand what being a missionary is or even how to be a missionary. As believers in Christ we are all missionaries, that just come with it. When we try to ignore that fact we are being disobedient to the call of being a follower of Christ.

        As followers we have the choice to Go, Send, or Disobey. So let’s unpack that -

V  GO: In Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The dictionary says GO means to pursue a certain course. That could mean your course is to stay in your home church to teach others to love God and about who His son is, train them on how to tell others so they can go to faraway places. Or to pursue a certain course may mean you are to work in your home town at an existing organization that will allow you to love on people and share with them who Jesus is. It could also mean you are to open you home to help others

In any case we are to go and make disciples of all nations, that nation may be out your back door or across the Atlantic Ocean. To know what course God has for you first start with prayer asking God to show you.

V  SEND: There are many ways we are to send out our missionaries

1.    Pray: We think we are not able to support missions because the first thought that comes to mind is they want money, yes that is helpful but our first thought should be I will pray for them.

a.   When you hear someone is active in a mission field as them how can I pray for you? Then commit to pray for them and their specific request.

b.   As you pray for them pray for guidance for yourself. Ask God to show you how you can do more for them. If you are honest you will see what God wants you to do

2.   Support: Ok now this is the time/money part, I understand not everyone is in a financial spot to give money and maybe not even your time. However, if you go back to step 1 and pray first God will show you if that is true. For most missionaries it cost anywhere from $10-20 per day in a foreign country, so you can see a little can go a very long way. Even a dollar can meet a need.

V  Disobey: At this point we have a simple choice if we are being called to Go is some way and don’t or we are being called Send in some way and don’t they we have decided to DISOBEY the call God has given everyone. If you love me, you will keep my commandments John 14:15 (ESV); “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do what I tell you?” Luke 6:46 (ESV)

May 7, 2013


It is hard to give over any kind of control. My daughter waited to get her driver’s license until after she graduated high school and lived overseas for a time. She got her permit for the purpose of having an ID other than her passport but still didn’t care so much if she truly learned to drive. When she returned home last year she became interested in learning to drive because she was starting to see a need. I had to give up being in control of the car; I had to render that control to her. I can remember going from reacting because, from my point of view, it looked like she could make a mistake that could cause harm to, in time, sitting back very relaxed with very little concern that she wouldn’t get us to and from our intended destination. Now she has her license and she takes the family car to get herself to and from, and for me that has meant giving up control in a new way and learn to sit back and rest deeper in her ability as a new driver.

            I can remember thinking one day that this is what God has been asking me to do, to give Him complete control. My Lord wants to have control of every part of my life but I choose to hold tight to some things, the big things, the things that I want to put in order the way I see best. Guess what I get no place when I’m trying to do it myself. I had to let go of the wheel for my daughter to learn the skills that she needed to become a driver and during that time God was teaching me to let go of the wheel so that He could show me some great, wonderful plans He has for me. Most people know the verse Jeremiah 29:11-12, here’s another verse for you:

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.         
Ephesians 1:11

I am chosen according to His plan. God has many blessing and many lessons for me to learn as I give Him the wheel of my life – Give him control. As I give up more, sit back and relax I know I will rest deeper in His plan look less at mine.

March 16, 2013

For the Health of It!

          Food plays a huge role in my life, well in everybody’s life, for me it has control. As I write this I’m eating a snack that is full of sugar and no nutritional value and my husband & I are planning a run for computer equipment & talking about where we could stop to get something to eat. Here’s another example – I need to go to the bank (not my local bank) & I'm planning on stopping at one of my favorite eating place. It seems I can’t do anything without food being a focal point.
          As wife & mother I am the main provider of the food, I plan it, I buy it & I prepare it two to three times a day. So it should be easier to have the right food in the house, I can’t blame someone else for bringing it here. I think I need to not buy something because it isn’t good for my health or my family but I get it anyway because it’s easy or it’s on sale or I’m lazy & don’t want to do the work that is needed to have the healthier stuff here.
You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NCV)

          As I read these verses I ask myself “How am I honoring God with my body?” If I answer honest I would have to say not at all, I’m at least 100 pounds overweight, I have very little energy and no desire to exercise, I choose food out of laziness not wisdom. I love to eat chocolate & ice cream, not bad if you eat them in moderation but I could eat this every day. I don’t drink enough water to keep a camel going, among other things that I know I should be doing just to stay healthy. I have looked at other people who I know are in much worse physical shape than myself & said “at least I’m not that bad, I at least try.”
          The next thing that stands out in this verse is that my body is a temple. I sure don’t treat my body as a temple. When I think of a temple I see a beautiful, clean & peaceful place to rest & reflect. I don’t even want to spend time with my body (not that I can get away from it) why would the Holy Spirit want to. The good thing is the Holy Spirit is always there no matter what I do.
      Let’s look at what the bible says about a temple:
Don't you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destory that person, because God's temple is holy and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
When we don’t take care of our self God sends us warnings in forms of health warnings. If we don’t heed these warnings then we are taking the risk of being called home before we plan.
          I have a friend who is 1. a Christian and 2. a health guru. He is willing to answer questions when I have them and give me advise; I asked him where is the best place to start in getting my eating habits under control & to start getting in a healthy routine, he gave me these five steps to start with:
  1. Don't skip breakfast (I don't but there are days I eat very little)
  2. Drink plenty of water (HINT: if it is hard to keep track of how much water you drink then choose an 8 ounce glass & put 8 rubber bands around it. After you finish drinking a glass of water remove a rubber band & refill you glass. At the end of the day, if you have drank the necessary 64 ounces of water, you should have removed all the rubber bands.)
  3. Don't skip snacks, this is the best time for your fruits & vegitables. You can throw in yogurt, string cheese or cottage cheese. (This is where I get in trouble because I go for the convient snack that isn't healthy. I'm trying to set aside time to prepare snacks ahead of time so that I can just grab something quick & healty)
  4. Avoid sugar in all foods & drinks. (sugar is in everything so you really have to think and plan ahead)
  5. Loose the complex & starchy carbs in the last meal of the day.
          So my hearts desire is to be healthy. My goal is to be walking 10 miles a day by the end of August & to loose at least 75 pounds by December 18, 2013. Readers I have two request 1. will you please pray for me as I work to be healthier and 2. will you also choose to be healthy.

I'm going to start a new page on here where I will post health tips & recipes that I find. I will also let you know how I'm doing on reaching my goals. Just click the tab For the Health of It to see these updates

February 13, 2013

Love 24/7/365 (366 during leap year)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We all know that the month of February is the month for love. However, that is a worldly mindset. We are not called to share our love just for one month out of the year; it isn’t even a full month only 28 days (29 during leap year). We are to love our self & others year around, 365 days (366 during leap year)

Love doesn’t come easy, why I’m not sure. There are days I find it much easier to love myself and to love others. I have been in an intense bible study for about a month now that is making me look deeply at myself and my relationship with God. There is one thing I keep hearing “You are created in My image”

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27

I have always known and believed that I’m created in His image. What God has taught me from this one verse is that when I say I’m ugly, not smart enough, or not capable in the same breath I’m saying the same thing about God. When I tell myself these lies I’m telling lies about God. When I tell myself lies I show how much I don’t love myself or others. How can I expect people to love me if I don’t love me; and how can I love others if I don’t love myself.

Love is something we are called to do 24/7/365 (366 during leap year)

God tells me what love looks like,

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

To be able to show this love to others I must first show it to our self.

Do you love yourself? Imagine how much better you could love others if you first love yourself the way God calls us to do 24/7/365 (366 during leap year)

February 5, 2013

God Bombs

          Have you ever been doing something and all of a sudden out of nowhere you hear someone tell you to do something? Something that might be out of character for you, something you wouldn’t think of doing or even plan to do, if your best friend challenged you would not to do it. This is different; it overwhelms you to the point you have to stop what you are doing. I call it a God bomb.

          The way I see it I have two choices when this happens – 1.) I can hear God calling & directing me to move and then get up & do what He says to do. or 2.) I can sit back & listen & do nothing at all. To be honest, I only have one choice. I must listen & do what God is calling me to do, even when it takes me out of my comfort zone. God doesn’t care about my comfort zone; my comfort zone is to be His comfort zone. I’m supposed to be following His instructions and call for my life even when it doesn’t make sense or takes me out of my comfort zone. I’m moving forward with this call I’m hearing and I’m going to work hard at not giving excuses or arguing with God about it. In time I will reveal what this call is and all the blessings He is pouring out on me by being obedient.

          What is God asking you to do? What are your excuses or arguments for not following His call on your time & life? I encourage you to move on the call God has for you and by doing so you will be very blessed.

Do not mearly listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
James 1:22-24


January 23, 2013

God is Calling

          I love the way God works! I start praying for my son's basketball team and began listening to what He is telling me to only realize He isn’t talking to me about the basketball team (even though it applies to them also) instead talking to me. I have been asking God for a ministry, a way I can serve and encourage others, a call to do work He has prepared for me to do.

          Everything we do in life is a call of some sort. We think we made the decision to do the things and in some ways we have, in reality God presents us with the opportunity (call) and we either choose to embrace it (joyfully or reluctantly) or we choose to look in another direction for a different path. God calls us to many ministries.

          I use to think becoming a wife and mother was just the next stage in of my life. I now realize it was the call God had placed on me at that time. As a wife I was called to be a help mate to my husband {Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for him.” Genesis 2:18} to be there to love, support and encourage him in his work. As a mother I was called to train, love and encourage my children. {Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6}

          So don’t think “I’m in a stage of life & this is what it brings, God isn’t going to use me to minister to others.” You are never too busy to do the Lords work even when what He has called you to do is to love and care for your family. Ask God “Lord, what do you want this stage to look like?” or “How can I bring glory to you?” and be thankful for being right where you are in life because that is exactly where God wants you. {Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking, because you were all called together in one body to have peace. Always be thankful. Colossians 3:15}

January 3, 2013

Temple Dwelling

When I was thinking about the start of a new year I started asking myself what I would do different from last year. I don’t make resolutions since most of the time they are meaningless and either I never start it or don’t stick with it for more than a week or so. I like to challenge myself in some way or set a goal, lately though that hasn’t even been enough to get me motivated.

This morning I thought of this verse ~

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.                           

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NCV)

What is a temple? I picture something that is pure, clean and beautiful, something inviting and comfortable. If my body is to be a temple to the Holy Spirit it doesn’t fit my description at all. I put a lot of junk in my body that doesn’t make it very pure or clean. Outwardly I try to live a pure, clean life but is that what people see when they look at the health of my body. I don’t have a very beautiful attitude about myself so I’m not very inviting to others. As far as comfortable goes if the Holy Spirit just wants a warm squishy place to dwell he will find it in my rolls.

I do want my body to be a true temple to the Holy Spirit, but that goes further than just my health and the appearance of my body. It includes my attitude toward myself and others, what I put in (relationships, reading, viewing) because what goes in is what will come out.

At first I was going to focus on not eating chocolate for one month, however there is still a lot of chocolate in the house from Christmas & New Year’s celebration and I can’t seem to ignore it. I have ate a lot less of it but it is here taunting me.

So what would I change from last year?

1.    Believe I am beautiful: I’m created in God’s image (Gen. 1:27) God’s is beautiful, loving, gracious, caring God.

2.    I’m not going to focus on my weight as much: I’m going to focus on my health. A piece or two of chocolate occasionally isn’t going to kill me and isn’t going to make God not love me. God doesn’t look at my outward appearance He looks at my heart.

I am going to look at things as how it will affect my “temple” and ask is it pure, clean & beautiful? Is it inviting and comfortable? If so then it belongs in the temple that is for the Holy Spirit to dwell.


HaPpY NeW yEaR!!