December 26, 2012

Joy Joy Joy

          My life verse and the verse for this blog is starting to become more meaningful to me, more personal.

Enjoy serving the Lord, and He will give you what you want. Depend on the Lord; trust Him and He will take care of you.                       Psalms 37:4-5

          I do love when I can do something for others (and I don’t want people to know it most of the time, I’m a behind the scenes person). I don’t always enjoy serving. Most of the time that I’m serving it is in a way that I can control, my time, my planning, or my location. The verse does not say enjoy serving me, instead it says enjoy serving the Lord. It isn’t about me ever, however I try to make it all about me.
          Whenever and however I serve I must do it to glorify the Lord, I do serve to try to make things easier and better for others around me, and I don’t want credit either. So far so good, however I don’t always have the right attitude and I go about it begrudgingly. If I don’t have control of the environment in which I will serve then I’m not serving with joy.

          If I’m not joyful I can’t enjoy what I’m doing and I can’t truly give it to the Lord. If I’m not giving my service to the Lord how can I depend and trust my Lord? I know He is always there no matter what I’m doing or what my attitude is. I would be more aware of His presence if I focus on Him in everything I do.

          As a wife I must remember what I do for my husband, the ordinary (laundry, cooking, cleaning) and the unexpected is serving God and I must enjoy doing it and remember it is for God and Barry. As a mother or even for a stranger enjoy serving the Lord. Have a wonderful attitude even when I think it doesn’t really matter.

          I am a behind the scenes servant and I’m not looking for credit, that is a right attitude and as long as I’m not being prideful of that kind of service and find joy I'm doing what God has asked.
          As I learn more of how God is calling me through this verse I plan to share. Let’s grow together in Enjoying to serve the Lord.

December 20, 2012

What is this

            This is a blog about me as I try to figure out the next phase of my life. My daughter is a young adult venturing out to discover what her call is. My son is half way through his teens trying to figure out what his call might be. My desire for both of them is that whatever they do with their life they do it for the Lord and always give Him the glory.

            The only thing in life I have ever wanted to do is be a wife and mother. I will always be both of those no matter how old my children are. When traveling the road of mother there are always curves and corners, curves you can see around, almost clearly, however a corner you can’t see what is around it. Right now I’m facing a corner.

            My children are getting ready to fly the nest and I can’t see around that corner what my new call as wife and mother is going to be. All I know is my role of wife will take a bigger part of my life. God has been preparing me for a while now, just like He does every mother. When my children were little they needed almost all of my attention, then as they grew they gained their own independence and during that time God was growing and preparing me for my independence as mom.

            So as I discover what God has planned for me as a wife and mother who is looking at an empty nest soon I hope you feel encouraged and up lifted by what God teaches me and where He calls me next. I excited about what He is going to ask me to do and where He will call me to do it.