September 30, 2013

What wrong with me?

There are times I wonder just what’s wrong with me. I watch other moms who are going off to work, moving up a corporate ladder while I stay home. I watch videos that tell me about some business and look at the people who look very happy in their careers and catch myself thinking “I would like to have a job, a job where I can make a difference”
I’m content, overjoyed with being a stay at home wife and mother and that goes against the norm. I don’t need to go out and climb a ladder. I have a job that is making a difference; I (along with my husband) am the main influence on my children. Their values come from my (our) belief and moral standing and they did not have to face conflicting views from 20 different direction.
Is our life perfect? NO. Do we have all the greatest and latest? NO. Do we care? Not really. Sure there are things we want to do, like finish our basement or remodel our kitchen but in the grand scheme of things that doesn’t matter as much as the fact I have been able to be at all of my kids games or music recitals. I have been able to home school them and choose their curriculum (not the government). I have been able to love my family the way God has guided me to do so.

So, when I think what’s wrong with me? I just say nothing and go on with what I do best, being a stay at home wife and mother.

September 5, 2013


“Go, send, or disobey.” — John Piper
I believe that missions start in the heart. You first have to love God enough to hear a call to share that love. I also believe that not everyone is called to go, at least in the capacity of overseas or even across the state, some are called to send. Think about Paul and his mission work, some stayed to teach and grow the local church and some went with him to help spread and teach others.

        We need to refocus our thinking of what mission’s means. As a church we don’t completely understand what being a missionary is or even how to be a missionary. As believers in Christ we are all missionaries, that just come with it. When we try to ignore that fact we are being disobedient to the call of being a follower of Christ.

        As followers we have the choice to Go, Send, or Disobey. So let’s unpack that -

V  GO: In Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The dictionary says GO means to pursue a certain course. That could mean your course is to stay in your home church to teach others to love God and about who His son is, train them on how to tell others so they can go to faraway places. Or to pursue a certain course may mean you are to work in your home town at an existing organization that will allow you to love on people and share with them who Jesus is. It could also mean you are to open you home to help others

In any case we are to go and make disciples of all nations, that nation may be out your back door or across the Atlantic Ocean. To know what course God has for you first start with prayer asking God to show you.

V  SEND: There are many ways we are to send out our missionaries

1.    Pray: We think we are not able to support missions because the first thought that comes to mind is they want money, yes that is helpful but our first thought should be I will pray for them.

a.   When you hear someone is active in a mission field as them how can I pray for you? Then commit to pray for them and their specific request.

b.   As you pray for them pray for guidance for yourself. Ask God to show you how you can do more for them. If you are honest you will see what God wants you to do

2.   Support: Ok now this is the time/money part, I understand not everyone is in a financial spot to give money and maybe not even your time. However, if you go back to step 1 and pray first God will show you if that is true. For most missionaries it cost anywhere from $10-20 per day in a foreign country, so you can see a little can go a very long way. Even a dollar can meet a need.

V  Disobey: At this point we have a simple choice if we are being called to Go is some way and don’t or we are being called Send in some way and don’t they we have decided to DISOBEY the call God has given everyone. If you love me, you will keep my commandments John 14:15 (ESV); “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do what I tell you?” Luke 6:46 (ESV)